WOD 190124
4rds for time: 24 DB Walking Lunges (hang) 24 DB DL 24 DB Renegade Rows (R/L=2) *Same DBs for all movements. Then, 3rds NFT 20
4rds for time: 24 DB Walking Lunges (hang) 24 DB DL 24 DB Renegade Rows (R/L=2) *Same DBs for all movements. Then, 3rds NFT 20
4rds NFT 5-10 SLSQ 5-10 SL Broad Jump 15 Banded (kneeling) Hip Thrusts Then, For time: 30 Cal Row 30 BJ (24/20) 20 Cal Row
For total time: 3rds – 1m rest between Run 300m 15 Wall Ball (20/16) 40 Double Unders *Rest 4m 3rds – 1m rest between 200ft
BSQ 20rep @60% – Week 3 Then, CF Open 11.3 AMRAP 5 CL/J (165/110 – must pass through full squat/OH any way) “It is one
Push Press – 5, 5, 3, 3, 1, 1 (build by feel, no rebound) Then, AMRAP 8 5 DL (275/185) 10 T2B “Walking with a
*Good luck to coach Elmir and Jake W. at the Wodapalooza Strongman Competition today! Kick some butt guys! For time: 100 Wall Ball (20/16) *EMOTM
6 sets – 20-30sec Ring Support Hold Bottoms-up OH KB Walk (R arm down/L arm back) Then, For time: 21, 15, 9, 15, 21 Ring
For total time: 3rds – 2m rest between 6 HPCL/PJ (155/105) Run 300m *Rest 4m 3rds – 1m rest between 12 HSPU 2 Rope Climbs
BSQ 20rep @55% – week 2 Then, For time: 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 GSQ (53/35) Burpee Pull-up “The greatest
*Good luck to Jackie, Carmen and James S. at The Ripped Games THIS Sunday! We know you guys will do great, kick some butt! Press