WOD 201207

WOD 201207

Have you seen the December Challenge yet!? Get on board, there’s still time!
Strict Pull-up Challenge:
Beginner 500
Intermediate 750
Advanced 1,000
*Total until 1/1/21 – break up reps any way and perform at the gym or at home.
Hollow Rock + Max Hollow Hold Challenge:
1,000reps before 1/1/21 + a MAX hold after each days work, accumulating the longest hold possible by the end of the month. Break up reps any way.
Modify movements as needed.

For total time:
21, 15, 9
Calorie Bike
PSN (115/75)
*Rest 3m
21, 15, 9
PCL (155/105)
Calorie Row

“Progress always involves risk; you can’t steal second base and keep your foot on first.” – Frederick Wilcox




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