WOD 160902
FSQ 4×3 (by feel) Then, EMOTM 15m Min 1 – SN complex (1 SN Pull + 2 HSN by feel) Min 2 – 12 Push-ups Min 3 – 10 T2B “Don’t go around saying the world owes you a living. The world owes you nothing. It was here first.” -Mark Twain
FSQ 4×3 (by feel) Then, EMOTM 15m Min 1 – SN complex (1 SN Pull + 2 HSN by feel) Min 2 – 12 Push-ups Min 3 – 10 T2B “Don’t go around saying the world owes you a living. The world owes you nothing. It was here first.” -Mark Twain
Partner WOD! AMRAP 6 Max meters on rower – only 1 partner working at a time Rest 2mins AMRAP 6 Max calories on AB – only 1 partner working at a time Rest 2mins AMRAP 6 Max distance sled push (4/3) – only 1 partner working at a time “Experience is a hard teacher because
EMOTM 10 2 CL Pulls + 1 PCL (by feel) Then, AMRAP 12 40ft HS Walk OR 12 HSPU 10 Burpees 6 Box Jumps (30/24) “Forgive your enemies, but never forget their names.” -John F. Kennedy
If any of you have nagging pains or injuries, we have someone coming in this Tuesday (8/30/16) that may be able to help. Her name is Chelsea Denien, and she specializes in Muscle Activation Technique (MAT). MAT is a process that is designed to address and correct muscular imbalances and joint instability in your entire
Hey guys! We’re going bowling THIS Friday! Everyone is welcome, bring the whole family! Jupiter Lanes 7:30pm $14.95 for 3 games & shoes Come hang out and have fun, meet some new people!
Ring Support :10 on/ :10 off for 2 minutes :20 on/: 20 off for 2 minutes :30 on/ :30 off for 2 minutes Tabata Battle ropes Double unders Toes to Bar 1 Mile run for time “Nobody made a greater mistake than he who did nothing because he could do only a little.” – Edmund
GCF Memorial Day Murph Challenge In honor of our fallen hero Michael Murphy: Michael Patrick “Murph” Murphy (May 7, 1976 – June 28, 2005) was a United States Navy SEAL officer who was awarded the U.S. military’s highest decoration, the Medal of Honor, for his actions during the War in Afghanistan. He was also the
EMOTM 8 Odd – 10 HPCL (135/95) Even – Max Burpees over the bar *Score is total burpees Then, 6x400m (90sec rest betw) “Any truth is better than indefinite doubt.” -Arthur Conan Doyle
We hope you had a fantastic holiday weekend – from our family to yours! AMRAP 15 7 FSQ (155/105+) 20 Plyo Push-ups 2 Rope Climbs Then, Tabata L-Sits “Easter is meant to be a symbol of hope, renewal, and new life.” -Janine di Giovanni