WOD 160902
FSQ 4×3 (by feel) Then, EMOTM 15m Min 1 – SN complex (1 SN Pull + 2 HSN by feel) Min 2 – 12 Push-ups
FSQ 4×3 (by feel) Then, EMOTM 15m Min 1 – SN complex (1 SN Pull + 2 HSN by feel) Min 2 – 12 Push-ups
Partner WOD! AMRAP 6 Max meters on rower – only 1 partner working at a time Rest 2mins AMRAP 6 Max calories on AB –
EMOTM 10 2 CL Pulls + 1 PCL (by feel) Then, AMRAP 12 40ft HS Walk OR 12 HSPU 10 Burpees 6 Box Jumps (30/24)
If any of you have nagging pains or injuries, we have someone coming in this Tuesday (8/30/16) that may be able to help. Her name
Hey guys! We’re going bowling THIS Friday! Everyone is welcome, bring the whole family! Jupiter Lanes 7:30pm $14.95 for 3 games & shoes Come hang
Ring Support :10 on/ :10 off for 2 minutes :20 on/: 20 off for 2 minutes :30 on/ :30 off for 2 minutes Tabata Battle
GCF Memorial Day Murph Challenge In honor of our fallen hero Michael Murphy: Michael Patrick “Murph” Murphy (May 7, 1976 – June 28, 2005) was
EMOTM 8 Odd – 10 HPCL (135/95) Even – Max Burpees over the bar *Score is total burpees Then, 6x400m (90sec rest betw) “Any truth
We hope you had a fantastic holiday weekend – from our family to yours! AMRAP 15 7 FSQ (155/105+) 20 Plyo Push-ups 2 Rope Climbs