WOD 181212
4rds for time: 15 BJO (24/20) 30 RKB Swings (70/53) Then, 10rds – 40sec ON/20sec OFF – alternate movements Weighted Planks (45/25) Rollouts “My best
4rds for time: 15 BJO (24/20) 30 RKB Swings (70/53) Then, 10rds – 40sec ON/20sec OFF – alternate movements Weighted Planks (45/25) Rollouts “My best
FSQ 6×2 (build heavy by feel) Then, AMRAP 13 100ft Sled Push (5/4) 200m Run 100m 1-Arm Farmer Carry (53/35+, 1 arm down/other back) “There’s
5rds – 4m ON/1m OFF 3 Muscle-ups or 6 Pull-ups 3 PSN (115/85) 6 B. O. B *Pick up where you leave off, score total
EMOTM 10 1 PSN + 2 OHSQ (build by feel) Then, CrossFit Open 11.1 AMRAP 10 30 Double Unders 10 PSN (75/55) “Many people will
3rds for time: 20 Burpees to reach 10 Calorie AB 20 T2B 10 Calorie Row “A good friend knows all your best stories, but a
For time: 3, 6, 9, 12, 15, 18, 21 DB or KB S2O (by feel) Box Jump (24/20) Then, 4rds NFT 30sec Weighted Plank 20
FSQ 3×4 (heavy by feel) Then – 4@80% of heaviest, 4@70%, 4@60% (6sec lower on all drop set reps) Then, Team AMRAP 12 (2/3ppl) 200ft
We had such a fantastic time at the GCF Friendsgiving Potluck! Big thanks to La Fontana, Elmir and his father for hosting us, and to
*FRIDAY! It’s our 1st Annual GCF Friendsgiving Potluck tonight – come by anytime 6:30pm and after – bring a dish/dessert/etc – hang with friends, meet
*GCF Friendsgiving Potluck is FRIDAY! And there are only 6 more days to order you GCF long sleeve gear! 7rds for time: 15 Calorie Row