WOD 241220
Every 90s – 6rds 4 DL *Heavy by feel, no drops, no mix Then, “Helen” 3rds for time: Run 400m 21 AKB Swings (53/35) 12
WOD 241219
EMOTM 15 5 Curtis Ps (75/55) Max Calories in the remaining time! Then, Double Tabata (16rds – 20sec ON/10sec OFF) Alt between Rollouts & V-Ups
WOD 241218
Bench or Floor Press 1×7, 3×5 (DB or BB – increase on each set) *25 Banded Face Pulls after each set Then, 3rds for time:
WOD 241217
BSQ 4×7 Increase each set as able, mod/heavy Then, For time: 21 Burpees 21 HPSN (75/55) 15 B.O.B. 15 HPSN (95/65) 9 Burpee Pull-ups 9
WOD 241216
THANK YOU! A big thanks to everyone who came out Saturday to celebrate at the GCF Holiday Party! There’s nothing like our community and gym
WOD 241213
SATURDAY!!! GCF Holiday Party 5-8pm Stormhouse Brewery Food, friends and good times – everyone welcome! “Chief Plus” With a partner 5rds – 5m ON/1m OFF