WOD 200421

WOD 200421

Congrats Jamie M on winning the Handstand Challenge!
Psst… has everyone been stretching and working on mobility? With all of the extra time at home – now’s your chance! Download an app, or get a video off Youtube and get started!

5m Stations – 30sec rest between to switch – 2rds through:
Station 1: 2 Navy Seal Burpees, 10 Alt Leg V-Ups, 20 Toe Taps

Station 2: 10 Renegade Rows, Pick one: 100m Run, 150m Row, 8 Cal Bike, 30 Double Unders

Station 3: 10 Double Taps, 10 Plank 2 Elbow, 10 Spidermans

*All details in SugarWOD.

“Honesty is the first chapter in the book of wisdom.” – Thomas Jefferson




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