WOD 200127
Great work to coach Kate & Jason B. at the SE Fitness Championship on Sunday! Mark your calendars! Saturday, February 8th – 7pm – GCF
Great work to coach Kate & Jason B. at the SE Fitness Championship on Sunday! Mark your calendars! Saturday, February 8th – 7pm – GCF
For time: 50 SA DB Step-ups (24/20 – alternate arms any time) DB Walking Lunges (down w/R arm, back w/L arm – length of the
Team WOD! Max Meter Row in 25mins 5 PSN (95/65) every time you switch No more than 250/200m at a time “The harder you fall,
BSQ 20rep @60-65% Then, 5rds for time: 7 DL (225/155) Run 200m “One’s dignity may be assaulted, vandalized and cruelly mocked, but it can never
4 sets NFT – 8 Strict Pull-ups (regular, weighted or banded UB) 8 Strict HSPU Then, 16rds – 5sec ON/5sec OFF – Push-up Holds 10rds
Regular schedule Monday For total time: 3rds – 2m rest between 12 HPCL (135/95) 12 BJ (24/20) 12 Calorie AB *Rest 4m 3rds – 1m
OHSQ 10×1 (5sec lower/5sec pause in bottom – build by feel) Then, 5rds for time: 20 RKB Swings (70/53) 10 GSQ (same KB) 30 Double
CrossFit Open 14.4 With a 14min cap, perform the following: 60 Calorie Row 50 T2B 40 Wall Ball (20/14) 30 PCL (135/95) 20 Ring Muscle-ups
AMRAP 10 NFT 8 Supine Rows 8R/8L DB Rows 8 Strict HSPU Then, EMOTM 8 8 Alt. DB SN (50/35) 8 BJ (24/20) “Remember that
BSQ 20rep @55-60% Then, For time: Alt 1-Leg SQ 30, 20, 10 Sled Push (3/2) 300ft, 200ft, 100ft “The greatest conflicts are not between two