WOD 190502
AMRAP 15 12, 9, 6 Box Jump (24/20) T2B *10/7 Calorie AB after each set Then, 14rds – 10sec ON/10sec OFF – Alternate Hollow Holds
AMRAP 15 12, 9, 6 Box Jump (24/20) T2B *10/7 Calorie AB after each set Then, 14rds – 10sec ON/10sec OFF – Alternate Hollow Holds
Floor Press (wk 4/6) – 5×7 (build by feel – try to keep the same piece of equipment you started with) *Alternate with Rotator “Side-Lying
For time: 30 HPCL (115/75) Run 200m 30 PP (same bar) Run 400m 30 BSQ (same bar) Run 600m Then, 100 Rollouts NFT “One mistake
5rds for total time: 10 DL (225/155+) 15 B.O.B. 20 Calorie Row Rest 1m “Either you run the day or the day runs you.” –
BSQ – 1×5 (5sec pause just out of the bottom) 1×5 (5sec lower each rep) 3×5 *Build by feel Then, 4rds for time: 5 FSQ
For time: Run 1 Mile 40 RKB Swings (70/53) 30 Calorie Row 20 Pull-ups 10 HSPU Then, 10rds – 10sec ON/10sec OFF – LSit Holds
Floor Press 3×9 (Wk 3 – weight by feel) *Alternate with 10 Scap Push-ups & 15 Banded Y Pulls Then, For time: 10, 8, 6,
*There are still tickets available for the “GCF Avengers Movie Night” – Sat. 27th @8pm – Cinepolis Lux 3D For time: 15, 12, 9, 6,
AMRAP 25 3 PCL (225/155 or heavy by feel) 6 DB Thrusters (40/25) 9 AB Calories 100 ft Sled Push (3/2) “As knowledge increases, wonder
OHSQ (build by feel) – 1×5 (5sec pause in bottom of each rep) 1×5 (5sec lower each rep) 3×5 (regular) Then, For time: 30 Burpees