WOD 190418
Tabata! (8rds – 20sec ON/10sec OFF each station) Box Jumps (24/20) Battle Ropes Jumping Lunges AB Calories Then, 10rds – 10sec ON/10sec OFF – Hollow
Tabata! (8rds – 20sec ON/10sec OFF each station) Box Jumps (24/20) Battle Ropes Jumping Lunges AB Calories Then, 10rds – 10sec ON/10sec OFF – Hollow
Floor Press (wk 2/6) 4×7 (by feel – using barbell, dumbbells, or kettlebells) *Alternate with 20 Banded Face Pulls Then, For time: 21 DB HCL
Every 2mins – 6rds: 10 Pull-ups 15 Push-ups 20 RKB Swings (53/35+) Then, 2rds Run 600m Rest 1m Run 400m Rest 1m Run 200m Rest
AMRAP 25 2 CL + 4 FSQ (185/135) 12 V-Ups 40 Double Unders 12 V-Ups 12 Calorie Row 12 V-Ups “We can’t help everyone, but
BIG Congrats to Patty & Pedro on their wedding day! We wish you a fantastic day and amazing life together, cheers! FSQ (by feel) –
Ladder 15 1-Leg SQ – 2, 4, 6, 8, 10… DB HPSN (by feel) – 2, 4, 6, 8, 10… *1 Rope Climb after each
*Don’t forget about the upcoming GCF Events: Sat. April 20th @7pm coach Elmir’s birthday party at Square Grouper, Sat. April 27th Spartan Sprint Race in
3rds for time: 20 Pull-ups 15 Calorie AB 10 DL (225/155) Then, 100 Rollouts NFT “We never really grow up, we only learn how to
*Congrats to Laura, Victoria, Stephen and Dylan at the Vero Beach Weightlifting meet! AND to the 9am ladies who completed the 7 Mile Bridge Run
*Good luck to Victoria, Laura, Dylan and Stephen at the weightlifting meet in Vero Beach on Saturday! Kick some butt Team Supreme! Every 5mins for