WOD 190531
DL 5×5 (by feel – UB sets) Then, For time: 21, 15, 9 FSQ (135/95) *50 Double Unders after each set “If things seems under
DL 5×5 (by feel – UB sets) Then, For time: 21, 15, 9 FSQ (135/95) *50 Double Unders after each set “If things seems under
4rds – 10R/10L KB Press 12 Supine Pull-ups Then, 4rds for time: 200ft Sled Push (4/3) 2 Rope Climbs “People think I’m disciplined. It is
3rds for time: 21 Calorie Row 15 Burpees 9 RKB Swings (70/53) Rest 1min 21 Calorie AB 15 Rollouts 9 GSQs (same KB) Rest 1min
What an amazing group we have! Thank you all for coming out to support “Murph” and kick some butt! GCF is one hell of a
Every 90sec – 10rds 2 CL + 2 FSQ (build by feel) Then, 3rds for time: 3 Rope Climbs 10 Man-Makers (DBs by feel) “Alone
Partner AMRAP 12 “Leap Frog Style” 10/7 Calorie AB 15 RKB Swings (70/53) 200ft Sled Push (3/2) Then, 100 Medball Partner Sit-up Toss “If you
EDT – 16rds 15sec intervals Sprint D & B from stomach 4 Wall Ball (20/16) 4 Push-ups 6 Jumping Lunges Then, 10rds – 30sec ON/10sec
For time: Run 800m 30 Pull-ups 30 Burpees 2 Reach Run 800m 30 Burpees 2 Reach 30 Pull-ups Run 800m “The man with a new
Next Monday, May 27th is our annual “Murph” WOD – grab your red, white and blue and get ready! Schedule: 8am RevFitness & 9am WOD
BSQ – 1×3 (5sec pause just out of bottom) 1×3 (5sec lower each rep) 4×3 *Build by feel Then, Partner AMRAP 12 3 DL (225/155+)