WOD 190627
Tabata! 8rds – 20sec ON/10sec OFF Jumping Lunges Suicide Run AB Calories Hanging Straight Leg Raises “It’s better to be a lion for a day
Tabata! 8rds – 20sec ON/10sec OFF Jumping Lunges Suicide Run AB Calories Hanging Straight Leg Raises “It’s better to be a lion for a day
Benchmark Wednesday! “Helen” 3rds for time: Run 400m 21 AKB Swings (53/35) 12 Pull-ups Then, 100 Rollouts NFT “Confidence is contagious; so is lack of
AMRAP 18 Partners! 30 Double KB FSQ (53/35) 200ft Sled Push (3/2 per person) 40 Burpees 200ft Sled Push (pp) 50 V-Ups 200ft Sled Push
1 Week Down, 5 To Go On The GCF Summer Shred! Keep at it, and remember that our community votes on the person they think
Ring Support (top) – 10rds – 15sec ON/15sec OFF 4rds – 10 Kip Swings + 5 Hollow Rocks + 5 Supermans (pause at the top)
EMOTM 21 Min 1 – 12 Burpees Min 2 – 2 Rope Climbs Min 3 – 100m Run “If you want a happy ending …that
Benchmark Day! “Jackie” For time: 1k Row 50 Thrusters (45lbs) 30 Pull-ups Then, Tabata Double Unders “Experience tells you what to do; confidence allows you
AB Sprints! Men – 7×25 Calories Women – 7×20 Calories Then, 10rds – 30sec ON/30sec OFF Weighted Planks (45/25) “The best way to predict the
For time: 40 HPSN (115/75) 50 Push-ups 40 OHSQ (same bar) 50 V-Ups 40 Alt. Single Leg SQ 50 Box Jumps (24/20) “Genius is more
5rds for total time: 30 Wall Ball (20/16) 5 SN (135/95 or mod/heavy by feel) Rest 2m “Luck is what happens when preparation meets opportunity.”