WOD 250219
BSQ – 6@70%, 6@80%, 3@90%, 2@95% FSQ – 10@75% (of FSQ) Then, “Jackie” For time: Row 1,000m 50 Thrusters (45/35) 30 Pull-ups “To fail to
WOD 250218
3rds for time: Run 400m 200m Farmer Carry (50/35 DBs, 53/35 KBs) 100 Double Unders 50 Abmat Sit-ups “Common sense is the collection of prejudices
WOD 250217
Bring A Friend Week is THIS WEEK! Monday, February 17th through Saturday, February 22nd. Do you know someone interested in trying classes? Bring them in!
WOD 250214
Happy Valentine’s Day! Partners for total time: 3rds – 1m rest between 30 PSN (95/65 – partners must alternate every 5 reps) 15 Synchro Burpees
WOD 250213
SWTHZ will be back THIS Friday! 5am -10am for FREE COLD PLUNGE! Get in with your Valentine, or hang out after class, open to all
WOD 250212
Bring A Friend Week is coming! Monday, February 17th through Saturday, February 22nd. Do you know someone interested in trying classes? Bring them in! The