WOD 160108
1 DL every 30sec for 10mins – @70-80% Then, For time 21, 15, 9 – T2B 10 1-Arm DB S2O (10R/10L – 35/20+) after each round of T2B “I like nonsense; it wakes up the brain cells.” -Dr. Seuss
1 DL every 30sec for 10mins – @70-80% Then, For time 21, 15, 9 – T2B 10 1-Arm DB S2O (10R/10L – 35/20+) after each round of T2B “I like nonsense; it wakes up the brain cells.” -Dr. Seuss
*Ladies, we still have a few GCF hoodies left if you didn’t pre-order one! (XS – Medium) 2 Minute Max Rope Climb Then, EMOTM 12 Odd – 6 1-Legged SQ (alternating) OR 6 Box Jumps (24/20+) 12 Hollow Rocks Even – 40 Double Unders “To be trusted is a greater compliment than being loved.” -George
For total time & meters: 3rds – 2min rest between 12 FSQ (155/105) 21 Burpees over the bar *5min Rest* 3rds – 2min rest between 1min Max Meter Row (Goal 300 Men/270 Women) HS Walk (distance in gym down and back) OR 15 HSPU 5 Muscle-ups OR 15 Ring Rows “Our patience will achieve more
Oatless Oatmeal Many a time people run out of ideas for breakfast foods. Individuals often want other options than the typical eggs or egg containing meals. Here is a gem that incorporates a whole bunch of good fasts- from nuts and flax seeds. Heavy on the omega 3’s, this is sure to keep you satiated
Recipe of the Week! Read More »
Push Press – 5×3 @80%+ *Alternate with 5-10 Strict Weighted Pull-ups Then, 3x800m Run (Rest as needed – stay fast but consistent) “Let the beauty of what you love be what you do.” -Rumi
Looking for a great place to workout in 2016? How about a community full of amazing and supportive people? CrossFit is about people coming together, to achieve something great as a group. Be a part of something great in 2016! Contact us now for details.
Happy New Year – Who is ready for a great 2016!? BSQ – 10@60%, 10@65%, 8@70%, 8@75% Then, AMRAP 10 3 PCL (225/135) 200ft Farmer Carry (53/35+ per hand) “After all is said and done, more is said than done.” -Aesop
*Reminder: Wednesday is the last full, regular schedule. Thursday 7-9am open gym, 9am WOD ONLY. Friday closed. Team WOD! *Come in and you’ll find out! Then, Weighted Planks 10rds – 30sec ON/10sec OFF “The whole secret of life is to be interested in one thing profoundly and in a thousand things well.” -Horace Walpole
*Holiday Hours – GCF: Mon-Wed regular schedule, Thurs 9am ONLY, Fri closed, Sat regular schedule Rev: Mon-Thurs regular schedule, Fri closed Push Press – work to a heavy single Then, 7rds for time 7 PCL (135/95) 7 Hand-release Push-ups 7 Rollouts “There are many ways of going forward, but only one way of standing still.”
*Best of luck to these 2 awesome people! Making a move across the US to do great things. Your GCF family will miss you, come visit! BSQ – 8@65%, 8@70%, 6@80%, 6@85% Then, For time: 60 Calorie Row 50 T2B 40 Wall Ball (20/16) “People seldom refuse help, if one offers it in the right