WOD 180219

WOD 180219

The CrossFit Open begins THIS week! Have you signed up? Why not?! Test your fitness against the world of CrossFitters, or just see how far you have come in your journey. Visit games.crossfit.com, get signed up under Gardens CrossFit, create a profile and wait with the rest of the world for that Thursday night announcement! Details on the Open workouts and when we will do them will follow every Thursday night announcement from CrossFit.

DL 3×3 @90-95%+ of 3RM


For time:

80 Wall Ball (20/16)

120 Double Unders

45 Pull-ups/30 C2B/15 Muscle-ups (pick one)

“It is always the simple that produces the marvelous.” – Amelia Barr

Picture of PPLAdmin



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