Best of luck to all of the GCF athletes (and their teammates) competing at the Babes & Beards Competition Saturday at CrossFit DOA!!! Angelo & Larry, Paige & Scott, Jillian & Keri, Andrea & Ever, Carmen & Lauren, Kristen & Victor, and Krystyna & coach Elmir!!! (Did we forget anyone?!)
And of course wishing coach Jason the best at the USAW National meet in Chicago! We are so excited for you! A link for the live feed will be available on Saturday.
PCL/PJ (increase by feel)
3rds – 1min each station/1min rest after each round
HPCL (155/105)
Ring Dip
Calorie Row
*Score is total reps
“Winning isn’t everything, it’s the only thing.” -Vince Lombardi