WOD 161003

WOD 161003

*THIS Friday is our GCF Ladies Night Out – Do Good, Feel Good Event! 7pm-8:30pm, all are welcome!

Join us at GCF on Friday, Oct 7th for a vendor show featuring local health, wellness and beauty companies. The show is open house style and will be open 7-8:30pm. For more information about the show and featured vendors check out our Facebook Event page. Invite your friends and enjoy! Lots of prizes to give away as well!

For total time:

3rds – 2min rest betw

10 1-Leg SQ (alternating)

Shuttle Run (3x – 150ft)

20 RBK Swings (70/53)

*Rest 4min

3rds – 2min rest betw

15/20 Calorie Row Sprint

15 Pull-ups or 5 Muscle-ups

30 Double Unders (goal UB)

“No one can whistle a symphony. It takes an orchestra to play it.” -H. E. Luccock 

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