WOD 151026

WOD 151026

For total reps & calories:

3rds – 2min rest between

1min Max HPSN (135/95)

40 Double Unders

400m Sprint

*Rest 5mins*

3rds – 2min rest between

10 Renegade Rows (w/the push-up!)

2 Rope Climbs

1min Max AB calories

*Strength WOD *

DB Bench Press 40-50% of your 5RM from  last week – 5×10

*Alternate w/5-7 Strict Pull-ups

1-Arm DB Bench Press – 4x6R/6L (moderate-heavy)

50 Banded Pushdowns

50 Banded Face Pulls

“We can believe what we choose. We are answerable for what we choose to believe.” -John Henry Newman

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