WOD 191016
For time: 20 FSQ (185/135) 30 Thrusters (115/75) 40 S2O (95/65) *Run 200m every time you set the bar down. “A room without books is
For time: 20 FSQ (185/135) 30 Thrusters (115/75) 40 S2O (95/65) *Run 200m every time you set the bar down. “A room without books is
5rds for total time: 40 Double Unders 100m Farmer Carry (53/35+) 1 Rope Climb 1min Rest “Things work out best for those who make the
***Don’t forget to submit your CrossFit Open 20.1 scores! You must submit them on your CrossFit Games account before 8pm Monday night! 1 down, 4
The 2020 CrossFit Open has begun! The WOD will be planned for Friday classes. If you are signed up and cannot make Friday, see the
The 2020 CrossFit Open starts THURSDAY! The first WOD will be released at 8pm – check out games.crossfit.com for all details and to get signed
The 2018 CrossFit Open (pictured above) – Get signed up for this year! It starts THURSDAY! For total time: 3rds 8 FSQ (135/95) 20 BJ
The 2018 CrossFit Open (pictured) AMRAP 15 8 DB Lunges (right arm) 8 DB Lunges (left arm) 8 DB PCL R & L 8
EMOTM 10 1 SN (build by feel) Then, 3rds for time: 15 PSN (75/55) 15 B.O.B. “You are never too old to set another goal
*Less than a week until The CrossFit Open! Get signed up! BSQ 5@70%, 3@80%, 1@90% 5@75%, 3@85%, 1+@95% Then, 3rds for time: 5 Ring Muscle-ups
4rds for total time: 20/15 Calorie AB 2 Rope Climbs 10 HSPU 20 Hollow Rocks 1min Rest “Do what you can with all you have,