WOD 190321
Team AMRAP 13 100ft Sled Push (3/2) Into 7 Push-ups Alternate teammates after the Sled Then, Tabata x2 Alternate Rollouts & Hollow Rocks “I have
Team AMRAP 13 100ft Sled Push (3/2) Into 7 Push-ups Alternate teammates after the Sled Then, Tabata x2 Alternate Rollouts & Hollow Rocks “I have
AMRAP 10 NFT (for skill) 4 TGU (alternate sides, weight by feel) 5-10 Strict Pull-ups (weighted if able) Then, AMRAP 15 Row 200m 2 Rope
EMOTM 8 3 Thrusters @80-90% or more than last week (they should be heavy) Then, For time: 21, 15, 9 BSQ (135/95+) T2B “If you
Have you tried the March Assault Bike Challenge yet!? You still have time to try, and as many times until the 31st as you want!
The CrossFit Open 19.4! For time or with a 12min cap: 3rds 10 SN (PSN or SN 95/65) 12 Bar-facing Burpees Rest 3mins 3rds 10
3rds for time: 14 B.O.B. 15 Wall Ball (20/16 – 3ft away) 9 C2B 26 V-ups 5 PCL (155/105) “Magic is believing in yourself, if
Skills – 3 sets: 15 Banded Shoulder Slides & 20 Banded Face Pulls 3 sets: BU KB Walk (OH or FR) Down/Back & 15R/15L Banded
EMOTM Day! EMOTM 10 – 5 Thrusters @70-80% or more than last week *Rest 2m EMOTM 6 – Sprint 150m *Rest 2m EMOTM 7 –
*Don’t forget to submit those 19.3 scores before 8pm on Monday! AMRAP 25 SN (135/95) – 2, 4, 6, 8, 10 30 Double Unders 200ft
The CrossFit Open 19.3 With a 10min cap or for time: 200ft OH Dumbbell Lunges (50/35) 50 Box Step-ups (50/35) 50 Strict HSPU 200ft HS