6 Week Summer Shred!

6 Week Summer Shred!

6 Week Summer Shred!

What is this you ask? It’s a 6 week contest, challenge and motivator! It’s a test too. A test to see how serious you are about meeting your goals and feeling better…better workouts, better sleep, better nutrition and health! Let’s add in some nutrition tips, extra conditioning, weightlifting, & measurements and you have yourself a plan of action.

Oh but wait…. there’s money on the line too! Since we’re providing you with some helpful knowledge bombs (weekly emails with nutrition & extra programming + weekly check-ins), there’s a $10 entry fee, and the winner will take ALL! The more people sign up, the bigger the prize! How do we determine the winner? What counts as winning? Well, you’ll decide… the GCF community that is. Who had the best results? Who had the most Benchmark WOD improvements? Who improved their fitness the most? Who lost the most weight or gained the most muscle? Who looks like a different person? You can consider all of these things! It will be up to our amazing community to decide who they think the winner is – or the most dedicated to the 6 Week Summer Shred!

First things first…

You must pay ($10 cash) and get your current email to us (in person is best). Sign up sheet at the desk.

Take measurements! We will be able to do this at the gym for you if you cannot. We will need the following before AND after the challenge: chest, waist, hip, thigh and arm measurements, weight and pictures (bathing suit or gym clothes are good).

We will start the week off (Sunday nights) with an email detailing the goals for the week with nutrition and extra programming if you choose to follow. Of course you don’t have to. We are easing you into things, nothing is cold turkey or unrealistic. We want you to succeed!

Every Wednesday will be “Mean Girl Wednesday” – we will perform a CrossFit Girl/Benchmark WOD and “on Wednesdays we wear pink”.

At the end we will redo measurements, take pictures, redo the Tabata Burpee test (from 6/10), and post results for our GCF community to decide who should win. (No, we won’t post your picture if you don’t want us to.. but it’ll be hard to win if you don’t!)

PLUS! We plan to have a BBQ/Beach get-together after… fun, friends, floaties 🙂  (date will be announced)

So… why not start now? Why not get involved, be healthier, be fitter and feel better? It’s only 6 weeks. You never know, it might create great habits. Let us know if you have any questions and sign up NOW! It STARTS Monday, June 17th (6/17-6/28). Don’t make excuses, we all have them. Let’s see how big we can make this prize $$$.


Picture of PPLAdmin



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