WOD 150826

WOD 150826

Team WOD!

2rds for time:

Row 1000m (Split any way)

200′ Sled Push (4/3 plates) + 100m Run (per partner – 1 partner at a time)

100m Farmer Carry (per partner – 1 partner at a time)

200 Double Unders (Split any way)

50 Calories AB (Split any way)

Strength WOD:

1-Leg Front Rack Barbell Step-up – 5R/5L

GHR – 5×7 w/weight

Weighted Plank – 10rds 30sec ON/30sec OFF(45/25)

“If the only prayer you ever say in your entire life is thank you, it will be enough.” -Meister Eckhart


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