WOD 241204

WOD 241204

Saturday, December 7th – 10:30am Injury Prevention Workshop (right after CrossFit)
Dr Z. with Elite Therapy & Wellness will be here to help us evaluate & prevent future injuries. Learn proper biomechanics for prevention, dynamic warm-ups to improve your ability to exercise without pain, and corrective exercises to reduce movement dysfunction.

Saturday, Dec. 14th – 5-8pm
GCF Holiday Party
Stormhouse Brewery
Everyone welcome – enjoy some good times & good food with friends!

Ring Muscle-Up Skill

Partner AMRAP 20
60 Burpees
60 Weighted Lunges (DBs or KBs)
60 Pull-ups or 15 Muscle-Ups
Run 400m Together
*Split reps any way, one person working at a time.

“Whenever you do a thing, act as if all the world were watching.” – Thomas Jefferson

Picture of miki



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