WOD 181127

WOD 181127


These will be PREORDER only… so if you want that amazingly soft 3/4 sleeve shirt for the cooler weather, order now! Maybe you just love a little red, white & blue? Don’t have anything warm for those chilly mornings? Need a gift for someone? You have 1 week to put your order in. This is the same shirt as last time, in unisex XS – XXL. Order list at the front desk, or email/contact us. 

FSQ 3×6 (mod/heavy by feel) – 5sec lower on the last rep of all 3 sets


Team AMRAP 15 (2 or 3ppl)

Relay Style:

50ft Sled Push (heavy by feel)

Shuttle Run D&B

50ft Sled Push

3 SQ CL Thrusters (135/95)

“If we knew what it was we were doing, it would not be called research, would it?” – Albert Einstein

Picture of PPLAdmin



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