WOD 200309
For total time: 40 DL (165/115) Rest 1m 20 PCL (same bar) Rest 1m 10 HPCL (same bar) Rest 3m 3rds – 2m rest between
For total time: 40 DL (165/115) Rest 1m 20 PCL (same bar) Rest 1m 10 HPCL (same bar) Rest 3m 3rds – 2m rest between
FSQ 3×3 @80-85%+ 1 1/4 FSQ 2×6 @70% of heaviest 3 Then, For time: 15, 12, 9 FSQ @50% of 1RM 7, 5, 3 Muscle-Up
KB SN Technique 3rds NFT 10R/10L KB SN 10 Calorie Row Then, “Annie” For time: 50, 40, 30, 20, 10 Double Unders Sit-ups “I’d rather
For total time: Bridge Run 3rds – 25 T2B 15 Calorie AB 10 Navy Seal Burpees “Let each man exercise the art he knows.” –
Pull-ups – week 2 4×7 @40-50% of 1RM 4×50% of max UB set 4×12 UB banded *If you missed last week, you can try for
3rds for time: Run 400m 15 CL (135/95) Run 400m 15 BJ (24/20) Run 200m “Leaders instill in their people a hope for success and
FSQ 4×2 @80-85%+ 1 1/4 FSQ 2×5 @70% of your heaviest 2rep Then, For time: Wall Ball (20/16) – 30, 20, 10 Bar Muscle-up –
AMRAP 15 NFT 10 Supine Pull-ups 10 SA Seated DB Press 10 SA DB Row Then, Every 90sec – 6rds 5R/5L DB Complex (1 HPCL
5rds for time: 15 RKB Swings (70/53) 10 HPSN (95/65) 10/8 Calorie AB Then, 6rds – 40sec ON/20sec OFF – Bear Planks “Wonder rather than
Pick one: Strict UB Banded Pull-ups – 3×15 Max UB Strict Pull-ups (remember your #) 1RM Weighted Strict Pull-up (remember your weight) Then, EMOTM 8