WOD 161031
Happy Halloween! For total time 2rds 31 Thrusters (95/65) 31 Pull-ups Rest 4mins 2rds 31 DL (225/155) 31 Burpees over the bar “I am always
Happy Halloween! For total time 2rds 31 Thrusters (95/65) 31 Pull-ups Rest 4mins 2rds 31 DL (225/155) 31 Burpees over the bar “I am always
*Costume contest Saturday, 10am WOD! Who’s going to win this year?! SN Technique, then EMOTM 10 1 SN (Try starting at 60%) Then, 6x200m Sprints
For time 21, 18, 15, 12, 9, 6, 3 Pull-up Push-up Then, 10rds – 30sec ON/30sec OFF Weighted Planks (45/25) “Tomorrow is often the busiest
PCL Cycling 2×3 @80-85% 2×5 @70-75% 2×7 @50-55% 2×10 @45-50% 2×15 @40-50% *Learn to cycle TnGo reps with good technique! Then, 5rds for time (10min
*Have your costume figured out yet? You still have a few days! FSQ – 3@70%, 2@75%, 2@80%, 1@90-95%, 1@+, 1@+, 1@+ Then, 8mins Max AB
*Get your costumes ready! This Saturday is our Halloween WOD and costume contest! Prizes to best costume! For total time and AMRAP score: 3rds 25
*B4B WOD Saturday 10am – www.barbellsforboobs.org to donate, purchase items and support! Wear your PINK! Partner/Team WOD (2 or 3ppl) AMRAP 25 50 AB Calories
Run 1 mile for time Rest 4mins 3rds for time 5 PSN @80% 200ft Sled Push (5/3) 200m Run “Things may come to those who
Skills – Ring Dips – 4/5 sets x 8 reps (4sec lower on each rep) – Modify w/3×15 banded 20 Intervals of 5sec ON/5sec OFF:
*THIS Saturday, 10am – Barbells 4 Boobs Event – “Grace” + a Partner WOD. Get your partners ready, wear your best pink, and support the