WOD 170306
Congrats to everyone who completed 17.2, don’t forget to submit your scores! Have you met our new coach?! Elmir is an awesome addition to our
Congrats to everyone who completed 17.2, don’t forget to submit your scores! Have you met our new coach?! Elmir is an awesome addition to our
CrossFit Open 17.2! – The CF Open WOD will be performed Friday during regular classes, and Sunday at 9am. Unfortunately, due to space for the
*CrossFit Open WOD 17.2 will be released tonight at 8pm on games.crossfit.com – we will post our WOD schedule for 17.2 after 8pm with details.
FSQ 3×3 (2sec pause in bottom of each rep) – moderately heavy by feel Then, 5rds for time 30 Double Unders 100m Farmer Carry (Uneven
For total time: 3rds – 2min rest between 6 PSN (135/95) 4 Muscle-ups 300m Run *Rest 5mins 3rds – 1min rest between 10 HSPU 25
Strict Press – 5×3@80-85% of 3RM Then, 3rds for time 21 Wall Ball (heavier than your usual) 15 Calorie Row 9 T2B “There are two
The CrossFit Open 17.1! – If you are signed up for the Open, come in to any class on Friday to complete the WOD. If
The CrossFit Open WOD 17.1 will be released tonight at games.crossfit.com! Once the WOD is released, then we will decide what day GCF will hold
FSQ – 3×10@70-75% (or heavier by feel) Then, AMRAP 12 1, 2, 3 – Rope Climb 2, 4, 6 – DB Man Maker *After the
*The CrossFit Open starts THIS Thursday! WOD 1 released at 8pm on Thursday night! Get signed up before Monday at 8pm and join the fun!