WOD 170403
“Bradshaw” 10rds for time 3 HSPU 6 DL (225/155) 12 Pull-ups 24 Double Unders “Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the
“Bradshaw” 10rds for time 3 HSPU 6 DL (225/155) 12 Pull-ups 24 Double Unders “Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the
2rds for time: 20 Strict Pull-ups (modify w/band) 40 Push-ups 20 Alternating 1-Leg SQ Then, 6rds – 10on/10off – Hollow Holds 6rds – 10on/10off –
OHSQ – 5×5 (3sec lower/2sec pause – by feel) Then, Death by … HPCL (135/95) *Minute 1 – 2 HPCL, minute 2 – 4 HPCL,
Tabata! (8rds of each movement – 20on/10off) Row for Max Meters RKB Swings (53/35) DB S2O (by feel) Battle Rope AB for Max Calories “Getting
For time: 35 Wall Balls (20/16) 100 Double Unders 35 Wall Balls *EMOTM – 4 Burpees Then, 5rds – 45/15 Weighted Planks (45/25) “Think twice
Hooray! The end of a nasty, difficult, tiring, but rewarding CrossFit Open is coming to a close! We cannot believe the progress that has been
***Don’t forget – Friday 7-8:30pm is our GCF Ladies Night Out & Vendor Show! Raffles, prizes, samples and more – come support the community! The
The last CrossFit Open WOD, 17.5, will be released Thursday night at 8pm! And our GCF Ladies Night is Friday! 10mins TGU – alternating sides
Every 2mins for 4rds – 2 FSQ (@60%, 65%, 70%, 75%) Into Every 2mins for 4rds – 1 FSQ (@80%, 85%, +, +) Then, For
This Friday! GCF Ladies Night and Vendor Show 7-8:30pm, see you there! AMRAP 8 200ft Sled Push (4/3) 200m Run 15 RKB Swings (53/35) *Rest