WOD 190711
Partner WOD! 20m Max Meter Row *No more than 250m per person at a time Then, Group Stretch! “For every minute you are angry you
Partner WOD! 20m Max Meter Row *No more than 250m per person at a time Then, Group Stretch! “For every minute you are angry you
“Nasty Girls” 3rds for time: 50 ASQ 7 Ring Muscle-ups 10 HPCL (135/95) “You’re never fully dressed without a smile.” – Martin Charnin
6x200m Sprints (1m rest between) 6x100m Sprints (30sec rest between) Then, 6rds: 20sec Hollow Hold 20sec V-Ups 20sec Plank Toe Taps 30sec Rest “See the
EMOTM 21 Min 1 – 14/10 Calorie AB Min 2 – 14 Ball Slams Min 3 – 10 HSPU “I don’t believe in failure. It’s
*Reminder – ONLY AM classes today (5am RevFitness, 6am, 7am CrossFit, 8am RevFitness, 9am, 10am & 12pm CrossFit) Ladder 15 DL (225/155) – 2, 4,
4th Of July Schedule: 6am-9am Open Gym 8am RevFitness 9am WOD Have a safe and happy Independence Day! “21 Guns” AMRAP 21 Run 400m 21
EMOTM 10 1 CL/J (build by feel) Then, “Grace” 30 CL/J for time (135/95) “Work gives you meaning and purpose and life is empty without
Max Rope Climbs in 2 mins! Then, 3rds for time: 50 Double Unders 20 DB FR Lunge Steps (35/25+) 15/12 Calorie AB 20 DB FSQ
Congrats to Sienna, Victoria and Dylan for competing and kicking butt at the Youth National Championships this weekend! 5rds for time: 10 HPSN (95/65) 10
*Best of luck to Sienna, Victoria and Dylan at the Youth National Championships in California this weekend! Sienna and Dylan lift Friday at 11:30am (our