WOD 150518
FSQ 5×2 – find a 2RM Then, 2rds for time 15 CL (135/95) 15 Wall Ball (20/16) 15 Box Jump (30/24) 15 Wall Ball 15 PCL (same bar) “The art of being wise is the art of knowing what to overlook.” -William James
FSQ 5×2 – find a 2RM Then, 2rds for time 15 CL (135/95) 15 Wall Ball (20/16) 15 Box Jump (30/24) 15 Wall Ball 15 PCL (same bar) “The art of being wise is the art of knowing what to overlook.” -William James
Psst…Did you hear we got new shirts in?! Get one while they last! Bulgarian Split Squat 3×7 per leg *Use DBs, back foot elevated Then, AMRAP 10 21, 15, 9 – S2O (95/65) 9, 15, 21 – BSQ (same bar) *200ft Shuttle Run after each round “I believe things cannot make themselves impossible.” -Stephen Hawking
3rds – 2min rest between rounds 4 Thrusters (135/95) 8 Box Jumps (24/20) 1 Minute Max Burpee Pull-ups Rest 5mins 3rds – 1min rest between rounds Run 400m Row 300m 15 UB “High” Ball (20/16) “There is more to life than increasing its speed.” -Mahatma Gandhi
Plank Skills Then, Tabata! (8rds 20sec ON/10sec OFF – per station) Battle Ropes Row for meters Double Unders Ball Slams “The more we do, the more we can do.” -William Hazlitt
Hey GCF! Looking for a Sprint Tri to get you ready for season? Or just for fun? It’s short too, perfect for beginners. Support the Frank Cook Memorial Triathlon and Loggerhead Marine Life Center by signing up! You can even make it to class after 🙂 Click the link for details.
Floor Press 3×10 Ring Row 3×10 *Alternate between the two Then, AMRAP 7 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 and start over again PSN Bar Muscle-up “If opportunity doesn’t knock, build a door.” -Milton Berle
FSQ 5×3 @60-70% (tempo) Then, “Elizabeth” For time 21, 15, 9 CL (135/95) Ring Dip “Life began with waking up and loving my mother’s face.” -George Eliot
4×12 Reverse Lunge Steps (6R then 6L, stationary) @40-50% of BSQ max Then, 3rds for time 12 Alternating 1-Legged Squats 12 Heavy RKB Swings (more than your usual) 6 Muscle-ups (Ring or Bar) (*Sub 12 Pull-ups or Ring Rows AND 12 Dips) “There’s a way to do it better – find it.” -Thomas A. Edison
For time 3rds – 2min rest between each round 7 HPCL (155/105) 10 Wall Ball (20/16 – higher target) Run 200m Rest 2mins 3rds – 2min rest between each round 10 OHSQ (95/65) Run 200m 50 Double Unders Rest 2mins 100 Sit-ups for time “A teacher affects eternity; he can never tell where his influence
Skills! 12rds – :07sec ON/:10sec OFF – Arch/Hollow kips 4rds – :15sec ON/:15sec OFF – Ring support holds 4rds – :25sec ON/:25sec OFF – Ring support holds 4rds – :35sec ON/:35sec OFF – Ring support holds 3rds – Max UB Strict Pull-ups immediately into Max Kipping/Butterfly Pull-ups Then, 4rds 1 Minute Max Meters on Rower