Live Like Jake 5k

Live Like Jake 5k

Join us on Saturday, May 12th for the Live Like Jake 5k! A 5k race, walk and event for kids and families. 

Gardens CrossFit will shut down that Saturday in hopes that everyone will join us to support an amazing fundraiser. Your participation will help continue to raise funds for ISR self-rescue swim lessons and financially assist families who have lost a child or have a child with critical care needs. 

Everyone can join, even if you don’t want to run or walk, you can still join our team online and donate! We want to have the biggest group at the event, so spread the word with the GCF and RevFitness community and let’s sign up!

ALSO!!! Join us at Juno Beach after for some fun in the sun. Bring snacks, water, a cooler, towel, etc and let’s hang out! We can’t wait! Let a coach know if you have any questions, and of course… GET SIGNED UP!!! Join the Gardens CrossFit team, and use the discount code. 

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