We have been touting magnesium since we opened our doors nearly five years ago. Suffice to say more than half of our members currently take some form of supplemental magnesium. Beware, as not all magnesium supplements are the same.
There are multiple forms of supplemental magnesium used nowadays. One of the most common, magnesium oxide, is perhaps one of the least well absorbed. It is estimated only about 10-15 % of this magnesium is actually absorbed by the body. Other forms, particularly the chelated forms among others are better utilized by the body. For this reason we use three different kinds of magnesium in our brand, SuperMag from Anabolic Gardens.
In our opinion magnesium is a “super element” that all CrossFitters, exercises, etc. should be taking. Clinically, we use it for a wide variety of conditions ranging from migraines to thyroid conditions, stress, depression and just about all, if not all, autoimmune disorders.
Below, we have included a nifty little link to a quick, good read on magnesium. Do you suffer from any of the mentioned conditions?
“Magnesium levels are decreased by excess alcohol, salt, coffee, phosphoric acid in colas, profuse sweating, prolonged or intense stress, chronic diarrhea, excessive menstruation………. antibiotics and other drugs,…..”