WOD 161223
*Regular hours Friday – Saturday 7:30am Rev & 9am WOD only. EMOTM 10 – 1 SN (start at 50-60% and increase by feel) Then, Run
*Regular hours Friday – Saturday 7:30am Rev & 9am WOD only. EMOTM 10 – 1 SN (start at 50-60% and increase by feel) Then, Run
*Regular hours Thursday and Friday, Saturday 7:30am Rev & 9am WOD only. DL – 5, 4, 3, 2 (by feel) Then, 3rds for time 100m
*Remember to check holiday hours on the calendar in the gym! This week regular schedule, Saturday changes (Rev and 9am WOD only). HPCL 4×2 (heavier
For total time 3rds 10 Box Jump (30/24) 15 T2B 30 Double Unders *Rest 3mins 3rds 200ft Sled Push (4/3) 200m Run 10 Elevated Ring
*Thank you to everyone who came out to celebrate at the GCF Holiday Party! What an amazing night! We definitely have an incredible group of
GCF Holiday Party – Friday 6:30pm-?? At Jumby Bay in Abacoa – Come on by, everyone is welcome! DL – 5, 3, 2, 5, 3,
Team WOD (3ppl) Row 5k for time *No more than 300m at a time per person *Must perform one of the following to switch partners:
*Holiday Party Friday at 6:30pm-??? – NO 5:30pm WOD For total time 3rds – 2min rest between 7 HPCL (155/105) 10 High Balls (20/16) Run
FRIDAY – Holiday Party – NO 5:30pm WOD – Come hang out and celebrate the holidays with us! EMOTM 10 4 Strict Press (by feel)