WOD 170928
5rds – 1min stations/10sec rest to switch between AB Calories Battle Ropes Double Unders Burpees to reach Sit-ups “Life has no limitations, except the ones
5rds – 1min stations/10sec rest to switch between AB Calories Battle Ropes Double Unders Burpees to reach Sit-ups “Life has no limitations, except the ones
10rds for time: 15/10 Calorie Row 3 S2O (185/135) 10 Alternating 1-Leg SQ “Always forgive your enemies; nothing annoys them so much.” – Oscar Wilde
NFT – For quality & strength: 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 7, 5, 3, 1 Strict Pull-ups Ring Dips *Weighted if you’re able. Then, 4rds
BIG THANKS to everyone who brought in supplies for the Keys collection! We seriously loaded up a vehicle Friday night with everyone’s help. Thank you
DON’T FORGET! Friday, 7pm at La Fontana – GCF Happy Hour & Hurricane Relief Collection! Everyone is welcome, food provided, drinks available. Please bring your
For time: 10 Ball Slams 50ft Sled Push (4/3) 200m Run 20 Ball Slams 100ft Sled Push 400m Run 30 Ball Slams 200ft Sled Push
DB PP 3×10 AHAP or at your 10RM Alternate with 10-20 UB Kipping/Butterfly Pull-ups OR make it tougher with Max Effort sets of Pull-ups Then,
For total time: 3rds – 2min rest between 4 SN @75% Run 300m 3 OHSQ (same bar) *Rest 4mins 3rds – 1min rest between 10
FSQ 20rep – Week 6 (last week!) @75% or more than last week Then, For time 21, 15, 9 Box Jump (24/20) Push-up AB Calories
Back at our regular schedule! Every 90sec – 10rds: 1 SN Pull + 1 PSN + 1 HPSN (hold both SN in catch for 3sec