WOD 171108
AMRAP 6 Run 100m 1 Rope Climb (3 up/downs) *Rest 2m AMRAP 7 10 RKB Swings (70/53) Row 200m *Rest 2m AMRAP 8 25 Double
AMRAP 6 Run 100m 1 Rope Climb (3 up/downs) *Rest 2m AMRAP 7 10 RKB Swings (70/53) Row 200m *Rest 2m AMRAP 8 25 Double
Team AMRAP 25 (2/3ppl) 2x200ft Sled Push (4/3) 30 OHSQ (95/65) 150 Sit-ups *1 person working at a time. “Beauty is how you feel inside,
Thank you, thank you to everyone who came out to WOD, eat, hang out, celebrate and support 6yrs of GCF! We love you guys and
*Don’t forget! Sunday at 10am Beach WOD and 6yr Anniversary BBQ after – everyone welcome! 3rds for time: 40 KB SDLHP (70/53) 30 OH Walking
*Come out and celebrate 6yrs with us Sunday! 10am Beach WOD, BBQ after at Marcinski Rd/Juno Beach! Every 90sec – 5rds – 2 BSQ @50-75%
Happy Halloween! Let’s see those costumes! EDT – 16rds/15sec intervals 5 BJ (24/20) 6 RKB Swings (53/35+) 6 Renegade Rows 6 V-Ups Shuttle Run (down/back)
***THIS Sunday – The GCF 6yr Anniversary WOD & BBQ – 10am WOD, food after! Every 90sec – 8rds: 1 CL Pull + 1 PCL
***Halloween Costume Contest during the Saturday WOD!!! EMOTM 10 Odd – 3 PSN @60-70% Even – 45sec Weighted Plank Hold (45/25) Then, AMRAP 12 200ft
FSQ 5×3 (3sec lower/2sec pause each rep – @60-70%+) Then, 6rds for time 10 OHS (95/65) 10 c2B “Things may come to those who wait,
CrossFit Open WOD 11.2 AMRAP 15 9 DL (155/100) 12 Hand-release Push-ups 15 Box Jumps (24/20) Then, Tabata (8x – 20/10) Hollow Holds “You become