WOD 180515
EMOTM 10 – 3 Strict Press (Pause at top/4sec lower – weight by feel) Then, For time: 30, 20, 10 Bupree Box Jumps (24/20) 20/15
EMOTM 10 – 3 Strict Press (Pause at top/4sec lower – weight by feel) Then, For time: 30, 20, 10 Bupree Box Jumps (24/20) 20/15
Thank you for a great turnout at the Live Like Jake 5k! 4rds for time: 12 BSQ (155/105) 12 T2B 12 Push-ups 12 Calorie AB
*Sign up for the Live Like Jake 5k – there’s still time! We will have the gym closed so everyone can attend and then come
OHSQ 10×1 (2sec lower, 1sec pause – increase weight by feel) Then, AMRAP 15 Row 250m 8 Ring Dips 200ft Farmer Carry (53/35+) 1 Rope
For total time: 3rds – 2m rest between Run 300m 5 HPCL (185/135) 10 Box Jumps (24/20) *Rest 4m 4rds – 1m rest between 12/8
The Live Like Jake 5k is THIS Saturday! Join our GCF team HERE (when you register using the discount code: crossfitgardens5off) and let’s support a
NEW SHIRTS ARE IN! “Bradshaw” 10rds for time: 3 HSPU 6 DL (225/155) 12 Pull-ups 24 Double Unders “A creative man is motivated by the
*Tonight! GCF Bowling Night – see you there, bring the whole family! 3rds for time: 200ft Sled Push (4/3) 18 HPSN (95/65) 6 Muscle-ups Then,
OHSQ 5×3 (2sec lower, 3sec pause – light by feel) Then, Team AMRAP 16 12/8 Calorie AB 10 HRPU *Relay style – score max rounds
Friday – GCF Bowling Night! Come by around 7pm (earlier or later if need be) and hang out with us! Jupiter Lanes (now Bowlero Jupiter).