WOD 191213
10mins – Handstand Hold/Walk Practice Then, AMRAP 10 2, 4, 6, 8 DL (275/185) 12 T2B 2, 4, 6, 8 GSQ (70/53) “The way I
10mins – Handstand Hold/Walk Practice Then, AMRAP 10 2, 4, 6, 8 DL (275/185) 12 T2B 2, 4, 6, 8 GSQ (70/53) “The way I
Partner Leap Frog AMRAP 15 100m Farmer Carry (53/35+) 15 S2O (95/65) 15 Calorie Row Then, 5rds – 45sec ON/15sec OFF Weighted Planks (45/25) “A
10rds – 10sec ON/10sec OFF & 6rds – 20sec ON/10sec OFF Ring Support & Hollow Holds Then, For time: 40, 30, 20, 10 Walking Lunges (DB/KBs
NEW SHIRTS! 5rds for total reps: 1min Max Burpees 1min Rest 1min Max CL/J (135/95) 1min Rest 1min Max Abmat Sit-ups 1min Rest “Try, try,
*Free Yoga at GCF with Natalie – Saturday, 14th at 11:15am – bring a mat – donations welcome! *Tuesday is the last day to order
For time: Row 1,000m 100m Sled Pull (3/2) 100m Farmer Carry (70/50+) 200m Sprint Then, 10rds – 30sec ON/30sec OFF – Weighted Planks (45/25) “Great
2rds for time: 25 Sit-ups 15 BSQ (155/105) 25 Sit-ups 15 DB S2O (40/25+) 25 Sit-ups 15 B.O.B. “If you are not willing to risk
2 days left to order your GCF hoodies! 5rds – 1min stations/15sec switch – score total calories/reps AB Calories BJ (24/20) DB HPCL (50/35) Rope
Every 90sec – 8rds 1 SN Pull + 1 PSN + 1 HPSN (Build by feel) Then, AMRAP 13 20 T2B 20 HR Push-ups 20
Only a few days left to order your GCF hoodie! Get one now! For total time: 3rds – 2m rest between Run 300m 20 Wall