WOD 180711
AMRAP 10 NFT – Quality! 5R/5L SLDL (3sec lower) 4R/4L SLSQ (3sec lower) 6 Ring Rows (2sec pause at top/3sec lower) 6 Banded Face Pulls
AMRAP 10 NFT – Quality! 5R/5L SLDL (3sec lower) 4R/4L SLSQ (3sec lower) 6 Ring Rows (2sec pause at top/3sec lower) 6 Banded Face Pulls
Join us at GCF THIS Saturday after class (11/11:30am) for a FREE Yoga session! All GCF and RevFitness athletes welcome! Bring a mat if you
AMRAP 3 Sprint 200m 15 Box Jump (24/20) 20 T2B 30 Push-ups 40/30 AB Calories *Rest 1m AMRAP 6 *Rest 1m Then for time “See
*Reminder – ALL classes Friday morning and afternoon, last class of the day 3:30pm (NO 4:30, 5:30,6:30pm classes). Youth Weightlifting begins FRIDAY at 3:30pm! Push
Reminder: All regular hours THURSDAY, except 4:30-5:30pm will be the last class of the day (NO 5:30, 6:30 or 7:30pm). 5rds – 45sec ON/15sec OFF
We wish you and your family a Happy 4th of July Independence Day! 4th Hours: 5am-9am Open Gym 7am RevFitness 8am WOD
*Regular hours Tuesday! Be sure to check the board, or previous post for the rest of the holiday week hours. BSQ 5×6@65-70% of 3RM Then,
Holiday Week Hours: Monday and Tuesday regular hours Wednesday 5am-9am Open Gym, 7am RevFitness & 8am WOD Thursday 5am & 8am Rev, 6, 7, 9,
PP 3×3@80-85% of max Then, EMOTM 18 Min 1 – 6-10 HSPU Min 2 – 10-12 T2B Min 3 – 12/8 AB Calories “Go for
AMRAP 10 for quality 6 Bent Over Rows w/DBs or KBs (5sec raise/2sec pause/5sec lower) 12 Banded Face Pulls (2sec pause) 6 Ring Push-ups (5sec