WOD 190516
AMRAP 4 6 Calorie Row 6 Goblet SQ (70/53) Rest 1m AMRAP 4 3R/3L DB HPSN (50/35) 1 Rope Climb Rest 1m AMRAP 4 10
AMRAP 4 6 Calorie Row 6 Goblet SQ (70/53) Rest 1m AMRAP 4 3R/3L DB HPSN (50/35) 1 Rope Climb Rest 1m AMRAP 4 10
Floor Press (wk 6/6) – 3×11, then 1xME (same equipment as last week – max effort on last set) *Alternate with 7R/7L Side-Lying external rotations
EMOTM 18 Min 1 – 10 BBJO (24/20) Min 2 – 7 HSPU Min 3 – 20 RKB Swings (70/53) Then, 10rds – 10sec ON/10sec
4rds for time: 12 PCL (135/95+) 12 FSQ (same bar) 12 T2B 12 Calorie AB “The starting point of all achievement is desire.” – Napoleon
*Good luck to Kristen G. at USAW Nationals tomorrow (Friday)! Kick some butt! OHSQ – 1×3 (5sec pause in the bottom) 1×3 (5sec lower each
EMOTM 10 4 Burpees 5 Heavy Wall Balls *Max Double Unders in remaining time – score is Double Unders Then, 8rds – 20sec ON/10sec OFF
Floor Press 4×9 (wk 5/6) – build by feel, same equipment as last week *Alternate with 15 Banded 90* Face Pulls (Pull, rotate 2sec pause,
3rds for time: 25 Pull-ups 50 OH Walking Lunges (45/25) Then, 2x800m Runs (2m rest between) 4x200m Runs (1m rest between) “There’s not a word
For total time: 3rds – 2m rest between 12 HPCL (155/105) 8 FSQ (same bar) 4 S2O (same bar) 12 Box Jumps (24/20) *Rest 4m
FSQ – 1×3 (5sec pause just out of the bottom of the squat) 1×3 (5sec lower each rep) 4×3 *All sets build by feel Then,