WOD 200224
For time: 5 DL (275/185) 50 Sit-ups 5 DL 50 Push-ups 5 DL 50 V-Ups 5 DL 25 B.O.B. 5 DL Then back up the
For time: 5 DL (275/185) 50 Sit-ups 5 DL 50 Push-ups 5 DL 50 V-Ups 5 DL 25 B.O.B. 5 DL Then back up the
Good luck to Jake & coach Elmir at Wodapalooza on Friday night! And don’t forget about Yoga at GCF, Saturday at 11:15am – bring a
Good luck to Kristen G. (competing in the weightlifting competition), Jake W. and coach Elmir (competing in the Gauntlet) at Wodapalooza Thursday and Friday! Kick
“Nancy” 5rds for time: Run 400m 15 OHSQ (95/65) Then, NFT 50 Rollouts 50 V-Ups “It is always the simple that produces the marvelous.” –
THIS Friday Jake W. & coach Elmir are competing at Wodapalooza – heat times at 4 and 5pm. AND… this Saturday – 11:15am Yoga at
THIS Saturday – 11:15am – YOGA at GCF – Open to everyone, bring a mat, donation-based. 5rds – 3m ON/1m OFF 10 PCL (95/65) 20
Happy Valentine’s Day – Partner WOD For time: 100 Wall Balls (20/16) – Partner holding Wall Sit 100 Pull-ups – Partner holding Hang 100 DL
10m – TGU complex (3 TGU Sit-ups + 1 TGU) *Alternate R & L – add a Windmill or OH Press or Lunge if able
BSQ 20rep – LAST WEEK! @75-80% Then, CrossFit Open 13.4 AMRAP 7 3, 6, 9, 12, 15… CL/J (135/95) T2B “Believe you can and you’re
For time: 18, 15, 12, 9, 6 HPSN (95/65) Box Jump (24/20) Then, 5rds – 20sec ON/10sec OFF – rotate through: L-Sit Hold V-Ups Plank