WOD 160803
5 sets (by feel) – 5 DB Press + 4 DB Push Press + 3 DB Push Jerk Then, AMRAP 9 40 Double Unders 200ft Sandbag Shuttle Run 20 Sit-ups “The greatest barrier to success is the fear of failure.” -Sven Goran Eriksson
5 sets (by feel) – 5 DB Press + 4 DB Push Press + 3 DB Push Jerk Then, AMRAP 9 40 Double Unders 200ft Sandbag Shuttle Run 20 Sit-ups “The greatest barrier to success is the fear of failure.” -Sven Goran Eriksson
For total time: 3rds – 2min rest between 7 FSQ @65% 10 Burpee Pull-ups *Rest 5mins 4rds – 1min rest between 10 HPCL (20lbs less than your FSQ weight) 20 UB Wall Ball (20/16) “The best way to cheer yourself up is to cheer somebody else up.” -Mark Twain
*Big congrats to Meghan T. and Ali B. who were both MARRIED over the weekend!!! Congrats ladies! And best of luck to Shane and Lindsay on your big move to Atlanta. You two will be missed! Kick some butt up there and visit anytime! DL 5×2@75-85%+ (3sec lower each rep, no mix) Then, Team AMRAP
EMOTM 10 1 CL Pull + 2 HPCL (by feel) Then, EDT (16rds – 15sec intervals – complete all at one station before moving to next) 3 T2B 4 Wall Ball (+ your usual weight) 6 Renegade Rows ( by feel, R=1/L=2) “You know you are getting old when the candles cost more than the
AMRAP 10 20 Walking Lunge Steps 10 Calorie AB 3 Muscle-ups Then, More fun stuff “Courage is being scared to death but saddling up anyway.” -John Wayne
Thank you to Dr. Z for coming in Tuesday to give us some awesome free info! As always, we love having you at GCF! For total time: 3rds – 2min rest between 8 SN (@65-70% or 135/95) 40 Double Unders *Rest 5mins 3rds – 2min rest between 15 Burpees 1 Rope Climb 200m Row Sprint
*Don’t forget! Tonight Dr. Z will be at GCF from 5:30-6:30pm talking about RNT and how it can help you with your training! Come and get some good FREE info! Open to all GCFers! “Fran” For time 21, 15, 9 Thruster (95/65) Pull-up Then, 10rds – 30sec ON/30sec OFF Weighted Planks (45/25) “There are no
Recently we’ve been asked about what to look for when purchasing glutamine, protein powders, and/or BCAA’s. Coincidentally Dr Broth has recently been interviewed by a local health newsletter, pertaining to this issue. His response outlines what to look for ingredient-wise and what the differences are between the products. Ideally, it is best to opt for
BCAA and Protein Powders Read More »
Over 2 years ago Nick became a coach at Gardens CrossFit. He immediately became part of the GCF family. In those years he has helped boost the already amazing community at Gardens CrossFit, while subsequently growing into the coach he is today…which is why it will be hard to see him go. Nick has an
Congrats Coach Nick Read More »
*Congrats to our GCF athletes who competed Saturday at The Bro-Off in Palm City – Judy, Kristen, Siiri, Andrea, Maverick, Dudley, & Victor! And big congrats to 2nd place Siiri/Andrea and 1st place Judy/Kristen! DL 5×3 @70-80% (3sec lower each rep, no mix) Then, Partner AMRAP Relay 10mins 12 Box Jump Over (24/20) 100m Sprint