WOD 230518
3rds for time: 100m Farmer Carry (53/35+) 60 Double Unders 40 DB or KB Walking Lunges 20 Hollow Rocks “Trouble shared is trouble halved.” – Lee Iacocca
3rds for time: 100m Farmer Carry (53/35+) 60 Double Unders 40 DB or KB Walking Lunges 20 Hollow Rocks “Trouble shared is trouble halved.” – Lee Iacocca
BSQ 5×2 Build mod/heavy by feel Then, Partner EMOTM 12 5 Burpees together *Partner 1 performs max Thrusters in remaining minute. *Partner 2 performs max Thrusters on minute 2 after the burpees, then again partner 1 – alternating for 12rds/6rds per partner *Score is max Thrusters (95/65) “Silence is the sleep that nourishes wisdom.” –
AMRAP 20 8 T2B 12 BJ (24/20) Run 200m “Have patience. All things are difficult before they become easy.” – Saadi