WOD 160824
AMRAP 6m 40 Double Unders 2 Rope Climbs *Rest 4m AMRAP 12m Team Sled Pull Relay (3/2) – 200ft per person at a time “Business opportunities are like buses, there’s always another one coming.” -Richard Branson
AMRAP 6m 40 Double Unders 2 Rope Climbs *Rest 4m AMRAP 12m Team Sled Pull Relay (3/2) – 200ft per person at a time “Business opportunities are like buses, there’s always another one coming.” -Richard Branson
If any of you have nagging pains or injuries, we have someone coming in this Tuesday (8/30/16) that may be able to help. Her name is Chelsea Denien, and she specializes in Muscle Activation Technique (MAT). MAT is a process that is designed to address and correct muscular imbalances and joint instability in your entire
Have you tried MAT? Read More »