WOD 231215
BSQ 3×10 Build by feel *Goal more than 11/28/23 Then, For time: 100 ASQs 15 SB OTS 3 Rope Climbs 50 ASQs 10 SB OTS
BSQ 3×10 Build by feel *Goal more than 11/28/23 Then, For time: 100 ASQs 15 SB OTS 3 Rope Climbs 50 ASQs 10 SB OTS
For total time: 3rds – 1m rest between 5 Wall Walks 50 Double Unders *Rest 4m 3rds – 1m rest between 12 HSPU or 24
For total time: Run 1 Mile Rest 2m 30 Muscle-ups or 60 Pull-ups *Compare to 11/8/22 “Imagination has a great deal to do with winning.”
DL 5×5 Build by feel Then, “Death by CL/J” (135/95 – any style) Min 1 – 1 rep Min 2 – 2 reps Min 3
5rds for total time and reps: Row 500m/400m Max UB Wall Balls (20/16) Rest 2m *Note total reps in comments “Winning is not a sometime
Back Rack Reverse Lunges 5x5R/5L Build by feel Then, For time: 21, 15, 9 Pull-up OHSQ (95/65) “A good beginning makes a good end.” –
5rds for Max Reps & Calories: 1m Max Calorie Bike 30sec Rest 1m Max DB PP (50/35) 30sec Rest “Feeling gratitude and not expressing it
FSQ 5×3 Build by feel Then, Partner AMRAP 10 12 DB Step-ups (24/20) 24 DB DL 36 DB Renegade Rows *Split reps any way, one
For time: 50, 40, 30, 20, 10 Burpees Calories (you pick the machine – only one) “Man becomes man only by his intelligence, but he
Every 90sec – 6rds: 1 PCL + 1 HPCL + 1 HCL Build by feel Then, For time: 2 PCL (155/105) 50 Double Unders 4