WOD 170206
*BIG thank you to those who attended the Row Clinic! Let us know what you want more of! AND DON’T FORGET – This Tuesday at
*BIG thank you to those who attended the Row Clinic! Let us know what you want more of! AND DON’T FORGET – This Tuesday at
Row Clinic tomorrow – Saturday 11:30am-1pm – sign up while there are spots available! FSQ 3×10 @65-70% Then, Tabata (8rds – 20on/10off) AB Calories Rollouts
CrossFit Open WOD 12.3 AMRAP 18 15 Box Jump (24/20) 12 Push Press (115/75) 9 T2B “No general can fight his battles alone. He must
*Only 3 days before the Row Clinic! Partner AMRAP 10 Alternate 100m Sled Pulls (2/1) *Rest 2mins Partner AMRAP 10 P1 – Row 20 Calories
*Want to row better, faster or stronger? Sign up for our Row Clinic! DL – 5×3 (by feel) Then, “Helen” 3rds for time Run 400m
This Saturday is the GCF Rowing Clinic – sign up now, row more efficiently! Congrats to GCF athletes Kristen (on her first Oly meet) &
*Good luck this Sunday to Kristen at the Port St. Lucie Oly Meet & Siiri and Gina at the CrossFit Prophecy competition!!! Kick some butt
Push Press – 7×3 @80-85% of 3RM Then, For time 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 – Muscle-ups 30 Double Unders after each set “To think
Team WOD! (2 or 3ppl) For time 150 Barbell Lunge Steps (95/65) 2 – 200ft Sled Push (4/3 – 2 per partner before moving on)
CrossFit Open WOD 13.4 AMRAP 7 3, 6, 9, 12, 15… CL/J (135/95) T2B Then, 10rds – 30sec ON/30sec OFF – Weighted Planks (45/25) “It