WOD 170914
Starting FRIDAY – regular hours. TOMORROW, Thursday – first class 6am (still curfew until 6am) – sorry for any inconvenience. FSQ 20rep @70% or more
Starting FRIDAY – regular hours. TOMORROW, Thursday – first class 6am (still curfew until 6am) – sorry for any inconvenience. FSQ 20rep @70% or more
DB PP 3×10@85% of 10RM Alternate with 5-10 Strict or Weighted Strict Pull-ups Then, Tabata! (8rds 20/10) Battle Rope Double Unders Wall Ball (20/16) Sit-ups
Due to PBC curfew 8pm tonight to 7am tomorrow, Tuesday) we will not start classes until 8am. We will run our regular schedule unless authorities
EMOTM 14 Odd – 2 PCL + 6 FR Lunges (95/65) Even – 200m Run Then, 100 Rollouts NFT “Never leave that till tomorrow which
10m TGU – Alternate sides, weight by feel Then, Partner AMRAP 20 50 KB SDLHP (70/53) 50 DB Step up & over (35/20, 24/20″) 50
We are OPEN! We will maintain regular Thursday hours for CrossFit/RevFitness classes. As for Friday, we will wait for an update on the hurricane progress
DB PP 3×10@75% of 10RM *Alternate with 10 DB Rows (2sec up/2sec pause/2sec lower each rep) Then, 3rds for time 10 Muscle-ups or 30 Pull-ups
*CrossFit KIDS starts Tuesday @ 3:45pm – every T/Th throughout the school year. Ages 5-11yrs. It’s never too early to start learning about health and
4rds – 4min ON/1min OFF 12/8 Calorie AB 6 T2B 8 BSQ (155/105) *Pick up where you leave off. Then, 10rds – 30sec ON/15sec OFF