WOD 171012
Team AMRAP 30 100 Calorie Row 200m Run 50 DB Man Makers 200m Run 10 Rope Climbs 200m Run *Movements: 1 person working at a
Team AMRAP 30 100 Calorie Row 200m Run 50 DB Man Makers 200m Run 10 Rope Climbs 200m Run *Movements: 1 person working at a
Hollow Holds – 6×20/10 Candlesticks – 6×20/10 HS Hold (on wall) – 6×20/10 HS Hold & Walk Practice – 10mins Then, AMRAP 8 10, 8,
For total time: 3rds – 2m rest between 100m Farmer Carry (Uneven) 50 Double Unders 5 Muscle-ups (15 Ring Rows) *Rest 4m 3rds – 2m
AMRAP 25 50 Sit-ups 50 Lunge Steps 30 Box Jumps (24/20) 30 Rollouts 20 HSPU 2 Rope Climbs “Make sure you have finished speaking before
5×12 “Speed SQ” – FSQ @40-50% (Only 1min rest between sets, UB reps) Then, For time: 40/30 Calorie AB 30 Thrusters (95/65) “Success is the
For time: 100 Double Unders 15 RKB Swings (70/53) 200ft Sled Push (6/4) 20/15 Calorie Row 80 Double Unders 15 RKB SW 200ft Sled 20/15
5rds – 4min ON/1min OFF 5 Strict Pull-ups (goal UB) 7 Strict Press (95/65) Shuttle Run (200ft D&B 2x) Then, 50 Strict T2B – NFT
“Strong-tober!” We’re adding Strongman Class to the schedule! Every Tuesday night at 6:30pm. NO, it will not take the place of our regularly scheduled CrossFit WOD.
*Congrats to all of the GCF competitors this weekend! Every 90sec – 10rds: 1 CL Pull + 1 PCL + 1 HPCL (increase by feel)
For time: 50 Pull-ups Bridge Run 50 BSQ (135/95) Then, Planks! 6rds of – 20sec Regular Plank 20sec Side Plank R 20sec Side Plank L