WOD 161111
*TOMORROW! ONLY 7:15am Rev & 9am WOD – The Anniversary BBQ is 11am-2pm. SJ Technique Then, Every 2mins – 6rds 2 SJ (by feel –
*TOMORROW! ONLY 7:15am Rev & 9am WOD – The Anniversary BBQ is 11am-2pm. SJ Technique Then, Every 2mins – 6rds 2 SJ (by feel –
*Only 2 more days until the Anniversary BBQ! See you there! 3rds – 1min at each station, no rest between, 1min rest after each round:
BBQ, FUN, FRIENDS – Saturday at the Anniversary party! 11am-2pm! HHSN Technique and work up in weight Then HHSN 2×3 and 2×4 (by feel) Then,
GO VOTE!!! 5rds – 3min ON/1min OFF – Pick up where you leave off! 3 Muscle-ups 6 DB S2O 9 RKB Swings (70/53) “Success doesn’t
THIS Saturday, 11am-2pm, GCF 5yr Anniversary BBQ! – Everyone is invited! BSQ 3×10 (By feel) Then, EDT – 16rds/:15sec intervals 4 Box Jumps (24/20) 3
HPSN Technique, then work to moderately heavy single Then, Every 90sec for 10rds – 1 SN Pull + 2 HPSN (by feel) Then, AMRAP 6
Partners! AMRAP 7 100m Farmer Carry Rest 2mins AMRAP 7 12/7 AB Calories 100m Sled Pull (2/1) Rest 2mins AMRAP 7 10 V-Ups 1 Rope
Work to 3RM HHCL Then – 1×3@90%, 1×4@80%, 1×6@70% Then, Every 3mins for 4rds: Run 200m 12 Box Jumps (24/20) 4 HCL @80% of today
OHSQ 6×2 (by feel – 3sec lower/2sec pause in each rep) Then, 6×30/20 Calorie Row Sprint *All out effort, rest as needed between. “A man
Happy Anniversary Gardens CrossFit! It’s been an amazing 5 years and we can’t thank you enough for making it the best community of people around!