WOD 170220
REGULAR HOURS TODAY Strict Press – 5×5@70-75% Then, For time 40 Calorie Row 40 C2B 40 Wall Ball (20/16 – higher target) “Good people are
REGULAR HOURS TODAY Strict Press – 5×5@70-75% Then, For time 40 Calorie Row 40 C2B 40 Wall Ball (20/16 – higher target) “Good people are
*Less than ONE week until The CrossFit Open starts! Get signed up now, games.crossfit.com – and join the GCF team! SN Technique, then work up
EMOTM 10 Odd – 8-10 DB Thrusters Even – 30sec Max Calorie Row Then, 4x300m Sprints (1min rest between) “I can’t change the direction of
*Have you signed up for The CrossFit Open yet?! Why not? Go to games.crossfit.com and register under Gardens CrossFit! For total time: 3rds 10 HSPU
Happy Valentine’s Day! Partner WOD – for total time: 3rds – 2min rest between 14 Alternating CL (185/135) 200m Run Together 20 T2B (10 per
Big congrats to ALL of our competitors this weekend at Wodamania and Box Tribe Games! Super proud of everyone and the continued hard work and
*Good luck this Saturday to everyone competing in Wodamania! Come by CF Wild (Riviera Beach next to Gym Like This) and cheer them on! It’ll
Find 3RM PP Then, 3rds for time 15 Calorie Row 15 Double KB FSQ (53/35+) 15 T2B “Judge each day not by the harvest you
For time: Bridge Run 2rds 70 Sit-ups 50 Double Unders 30 AB Calories “Someone’s sitting in the shade today because someone planted a tree a
*TONIGHT (Tuesday 2/7) is the FREE Run Clinic – 5pm – presented by Elite Therapy & Wellness – open to all GCFers CrossFit Open WOD