WOD 170831
Partner WOD for time: 2 – 20 RKB Swings (53/35+) 2 – 20 Box Jump (24/20) 2 – 20 Burpees 2 – 20 MB Sit-ups
Partner WOD for time: 2 – 20 RKB Swings (53/35+) 2 – 20 Box Jump (24/20) 2 – 20 Burpees 2 – 20 MB Sit-ups
DB PP 3×10 @65% of 10RM *Alternate with 15 Ring Rows (3sec lower each rep) Then, AMRAP 10 8 Ring Dips 9 Wall Ball (20/16+)
For time: 25 Pull-ups 50 Double Unders 50 KB Cleans (25R/25L – 53/35) Run 800m 50 KB Cleans 50 Double Unders 25 Pull-ups “Forty is
FSQ 20rep @60% – Week 3 of 6 Then, “Grace” 30 CL/J (135/95) for time “Forgive your enemies, but never forget their names.” – John
DL 5×3 (4sec lower, UB reps – weight by feel) Then, Tabata! 8rds – 20/10 Box Jumps (24/20) T2B Push-ups “May the forces of evil
Team AMRAP 30 (2/3ppl) 75 AB Calories 50 OHSQ (95/65) 100 Sit-ups *Only 1 person working at a time, break up reps any way. “The
DB PP 3×10 @55% of 10RM from last week – if you didn’t find a 10RM, do so today. *Alternate with 12 Supine Pull-ups Then,
AMRAP 20 3 Muscle-ups (9 Ring Rows/9 Ring Dips) 12 Calorie Row 24 Burpees to reach 36 Double Unders Then, Stretch!!! “So vast is art,
FSQ 20rep @55% – Week 2 of 6 *Or increase from last week. Then, For time: SQCL Thruster (95/65) – 10, 8, 6, 4, 2