WOD 171026
FSQ 5×3 (3sec lower/2sec pause each rep – @60-70%+) Then, 6rds for time 10 OHS (95/65) 10 c2B “Things may come to those who wait,
FSQ 5×3 (3sec lower/2sec pause each rep – @60-70%+) Then, 6rds for time 10 OHS (95/65) 10 c2B “Things may come to those who wait,
CrossFit Open WOD 11.2 AMRAP 15 9 DL (155/100) 12 Hand-release Push-ups 15 Box Jumps (24/20) Then, Tabata (8x – 20/10) Hollow Holds “You become
For total time: 3rds – 2min rest between Run 400m 10 Thrusters (135/95) *Rest 5mins 3rds – 1min rest between 4o Double Unders 2 Rope
*BIG Congrats to everyone who competed at the Florida Weightlifting States Oly Meet this weekend!!! *THIS Saturday – Halloween Costume Contest!! Prize awarded to best/favorite
DL 5×3 (by feel – 3sec lower each rep) *Alternate with 10 Banded Good Mornings Then, 3rds for time: 21 Burpees 15 BSQ (135/95) 9
2rds for time: Run 400m 40 Rollouts 20 BJO (24/20) Run 400m 30 Calorie Row 30 V-ups “I know not age, nor weariness nor defeat.”
EMOTM 12 Odd – 5-10 Strict Pull-ups Even – 45sec Plank Then, 4rds for time 2 SN @70%+ 3 OHS (same bar) 12 T2B “The
For total time: 3rds – 1min rest between Run 100m 20 KB SDLHP (70/53) *Rest 2mins 3rds – 1min rest between 50 Double Unders 20
***Sunday, Nov. 5th – Gardens CrossFit 6yr Anniversary WOD & BBQ! Click here for details. 10am WOD & BBQ after – GCF members, family and
Every 90sec – 10rds – 3 BSQs (by feel, increasing) Then, For time: 30 Wall Ball (20/16) 10 HPSN (95/65) 30 Wall Ball 10 HPSN